Tuesday, November 29, 2011

lincoln the lawyer

i write this knowing that very few people will actually believe that there is or rather there was a lawyer called lincoln.It's a funny name i know one which i have never known anyone to have where i come from.so after all the vitriol and impressions of fakeness and unoriginality (traits which ironically we all have) it would do you good to read this story about lincoln one of the best at his job stinking rich and with an ego to march.Yeah Lincoln was good at what he did,soliciting huge sums of money from those who deserved to loose such huge amounts of money but that isnt what he was really good at or to put it otherwise he was really good at the solicitation but even better in court rescuing his clients from the brink of disaster(or jaws of death as others might prefer) and as such was hero to both villain and those who have tons of admiration for people who are good at what they do(most are usually villains).Dispatching his duties without fear or favour(more like without fear only for favour usually went to the guy with the deepest pockets)and having made himself enemies among all his fellow lawyers was just the kind of kick that made his life worth living or so he said so himself(maybe not in those exact words but the implication was very there)
the sad tale continues with the loss of a case which was significant in that it wasnt just the first case lincoln had ever lost but also because it was one of the easiest he had ever handled and which everyone expected him to breeze past.The judge with a smirk like expression on his face which almost seemed to betray his true intentions(if there were any)pronounced the guilty man guilty and the shock was immediately felt.The rest as they say is history lincoln disappeared mysteriously the same evening he lost his case while the judge was found dead the following morning in his house.Speaking of death it should also be known that the guy lincoln was defending was charged with murder and that now three years on everyone still beleives that lincoln murdered the judge.It is no wonder then that no one named their child lincoln and that lawyers are generally frowned upon.
There are also rumours that lincoln changed his appearance and is living in town perhaps that he even is still a lawyer.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

love story

this is a love story about edith sort of like any story about young boys and young girls or about sundays like this which is basically any sunday that leaves you with a nice feeling.Well edith as you might have guessed is a girl but not a young one more of a woman if you ask me but dont tell her that she doesn't like being called old but if you know her you alredy know this and also that she is moderately beautiful,enough to actually turn a sizeable number of heads in her direction.in fact we should call her most beautiful but there is blair,now blair takes the crown no doubt about that what with the number of heads and the number of men at her heels and she calls herself princess blair because she says that most queens are too old to be beautiful but that princesses are young.she says she will stay princess forever and ever and ever.
"what if you die someone asks her".
"i wont im immortal but i guess you dont know what that means"
Then there is Alex who has a twin sister also Alex by name who stays deep in the lower country because she is a member of the revolution no one has seen her for quite a few months now.Alex and Blair are an item ,item here meaning they are one and the same thing that they would do anything even die for each other.that hasn't happened yet but they have come close to killing someone on quite a few occasions.They are called the witch and her master by the feminists and the wizard and her mistress by rest of the countryfolk.In these areas unlike the western country wizards and witches are considered most wicked and to be called one is truly an honour
And poor Edith having never seen alex from up close was surprised one day when they happened to bump into each other totally by accident.That she fell in love ot first sight was obvious but her folly was in thinking that she could change the vile creature that was Alex turn him into her knight and save him from the evil blair.After that questions as to how such a good looking person like Alex could habour such evil troubled her and they still do,questions also as
to as to why despite her repeated attempts Alex has never changed are some people inherently evil or is it a spell that Blair has over him?Well that is the end,i may have lied about this being a story that will leave you with a nice feeling but then again i may have not.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

sporty issues

with the world hitting 7 bil and a host of other factors the least not being the resurgence of man utd which i am a fun of and the current good form of madrid and of all other football clubs i support i had to come out of my hiding.I admit the utd excuse is a bit shady since its been only a week and there were numerous weeks of absence before that such is the life of an inconsistent who despite better bringing up would rather spend his sundays in bed jump up in glee at the mention of free internet(why else)and generally be a loser.It doesn't help matters(the introversion and absurdity and unorthodoxy and the perculiar love of the written world and the also perculiar non conformist and at times antisocial tendencies)and while we're at it the sulky sulky-red extreme sensitivity and the almost bipolar.Such are the qualities of a guy who would ask themselves whether the 7 billionth and one kid isnt the most unfortunate person ever born i mean people arent exactly happy to see you emerge and its not even your crime obviously then there is the real possibility that you could lack a place to stay because there is no space and will a certain guy in a certain country like kenya(where i happen to come from and have lived all my life just there no change a little bit boring but enough problems to see you through any day that is if your annoying friends dont spoil it)say?I LOVE MYSELF AND I LOVE MY LAND AND IF I GOT IT I AINT GIVING IT ITS A MAN EAT MAN SOCIETY HAHAHAAHA!!!!!apart from the fact that he wont actually say it out loud or in those exact words(english isnt exactly their strong point)but enough of that i wonder how many of those i bil extras will be or already are footballers not that i hate other sports in fact i love them but that is a story for another day.

Friday, August 5, 2011

a day at the river

Fishing is hard,we all know that.But for five amateurs(some more amateur than others)hard is hardly the word to use and in the end the assertion by some two non amateur idlers that ours were mere theatrics(or so i guessed they meant)proved true.Not to say that we were disappointed(at least for two of us i can speak for authoritatively)far from it,the environmentdown there was reward enough for us.That having been said let it be known that five perspectives of such a day can be as different or as similar as they can be.

Perspective 1
I love going along and not just with everybody but with my big brother and some other few people who i will not bother to mention.It gets even better when that other guy with funny curly hair,funny mannerisms and an impregnable heartas bro said and who latelymost have been mistaking for my brother comes along.Ultimately there were no fish despite the exhausting search for worms and my optimism.But they did laugh at my jokes,i got to see some old man mining,did talk to one of those kids wwho showed us the right way to fish and git snapped twice doing things i definetly do not do everyday.
Perspective 2
I love it when things get done and was not amused when we walked back empty handed.I mean first of all they force me to rush(smthn i rarely do)then they fail to catch any fish, Thoughts of fried fish had been running through my mind all night.I tried my best pulling up the fishing stick every so often to see if it had caught anything,I even caught the first and only fish and also got the biggest stick sure that i would have an advantage over the othersbut it all came to nought.Fried fish and anything else meaty and fried are still on my mind though,i just hope that that birthday party tomorrow is realized.
Perspective 3
Not so much the fish but the experience at the river was my main inspiration today.After some time i was sure we would not catch anything but that did not bother me or rather not as much as it did some other people.I am proud of myself though,maybe more than all the others.I provided maize,led the others to the river and along its banks and perhaps did the most fishing today.Thay were late though and one was even later than the rest and this same one showed some impatience later of which i was really not amused about.I also got that big fruit which i threw into the river shortly thereafter,for a stupid reason i admit very stupid.
Perspective 4
Other than that someone was not happy and i could see that he was not,I had a pretty good day.I wanted that fish real bad but it could never substitute chapati and beans so i was not that offended by our failure to land any catch or if i was it quickly faded.I have to say this though,it was superbly peaceful down there,the kind of peace my heart has been yearning for for years.Of course issues causing this lack of peace cannot be told to anyone.too big and besides what would they think of me,the epitome of success and the perfect model of a well raised child with a problem? no way.Any way i digress i got to find market and fast otherwise things will go south real soon.
Perspective 5
Its funny how small laughable issues cloud my mind.It however was a good day regardless.We did not catch anything and i was not surprised or offended by it.There were cute kids and some unsightly sights and my perception of some people was further cemented.In the end something about someone accusing the other of accusing them falsely and another about some other person drowning in 'mudness'are some of the numerous memories of the day etched on my mind.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We all love someone

In more ways than i could ever care to explain or that they could ever know,i love my family.the matter of how big family is or who can be legally included as 'first' family is highly debetable but it all comes down to a matter of opinion,i mean you can't be forced to love right?yeah i and many others may say but wait a minute is that not a contradiction?when i say that i love my family is it objective or subjective because in the end this makes all the difference,the difference between a son who is always at loggerheads with the father and the one who wanted to be an architect but was forced into medical school by the dad.The bible would be of the opinion that love is a choice therefore objective coz honestly if we were to love someone for who they are(which is what most of us do)then you only love as much as you like of that person and try to live with that other undesirable part.Objectivity on the other hand forces one to put personal feelings aside and love as a commandment,and a choice as well coz you can choose not to in which case there isnt much difference between you and our earlier subjective friend.talk is cheap i know and i also know that i am almost wholly subjective hence the difficulty in coming up with this piece,but events as recent as yesterday which involve pride segregation and lots of other crap(which unfortunately i have to talk about at a later date)forced yours truly to try and address this issue in a satisfactory manner i hope.Hard it may seem but really it is very easy,deep inside each human is an absolutely lovable creature so no excuses(this is for the subjective who always want a reason to and in reality isnt that all of us)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sticky issues

You would be majorly surprised(or maybe not at all)that such simple phrases as 'behaving maturely','enjoying life'etc are never at all simple.The different meanings that minds conjure up when compared are staggering distances apart.And what makes it worse is that you really cant tell who is right or wrong and infact no one is wrong or right according to some philosophical point of view which fortunately or unfortunately i do not subscribe.Come to think of it all philosophical schools of thought leave nothing to be desired hence the steady decline of the field which ironically was one of the first attempts at knowledge man involved himself in if not the very first and which according to some misguided opinions will be the last but i digress and will swiftly go back to the main issue.I was therefore irked when one of my proximity induced companions suggested that i grow up.As if i made it here because i behave so much like a kid or that im so good at this coz i am childish. Other than the fact that he had no right at all to tell me what was right,i see no trouble at all with behaving like a kid hell if the whole world was made of kids would it not be a much better place

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

my worst post(this has got to be)

if i had a dime(shilling would be better i guess)for every time i felt that i would never make it i definetly would be very rich.But what makes a truly great man is his conduct in the face of adversity and obstacles and by now im guessing that you are guessing that i am a great man(nuh! not man boy is more like it).And just for the record i really am not feeling this vibe i am not left brained remember.It doesnt hurt to express an opinion but you really must ensure that what you say is relevant.For starters this is a personal blog which means that iam at liberty to write whatever it is i feel like writing which also means that you are at liberty not to read whatever i write if for whatever reason it offends you.Secondly and this is fully subjective by the way if you find this boring then it only puts you in the ordinary mortals bracket and i dont write for those who consider themselves ordinary so really you see you never really were meant to be here.Went off on a tangent just there i know but you really must put some people in their place.If like me you definetly have shifting esteem you definetly are trying to cure it and such people really do get to you.See you later when i am in a much better mood.

Monday, May 30, 2011

In my element(sorry)

Silly advice about mourning stages and how you should really go through it to get over it-that was my weekend.Coupled with the fact that i had gotten a life saver some 2 or 3 days earlier pretty much sums it up as bittersweet.All the emotional breakdown bs also came to nought thanks to a combination of many factors the least not being a positive thinking attitude and the most definetly not the absence of a downright official and blatant snub.And then come issues of other people,those who only see as far as reality allows,who see fantasy as the realm of the crazy,who know only one way of doing things,for who risk and ingenuity are just words not a way of life,who prefer the tried and tested and despise(or is it fear) everything else.These are some of the people who surround us(by us let the reader get the exact intended meaning).Yes it is said that those who we associate with make us and i could not agree more.I decided not to share my dreams any more the result being an intense desire to succeed.Twofold benefit i guess and it better come to pass or the consequences will be more than dire.I know the soft is kinda strange but i view it as getting more into my element,growing so to speak.A good day to you all and if you can't do anything else just say a prayer,it helps in more ways than you would ever imagine.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

other issues and wembley

I should write about tonight and indeed i will at some point(if im not already)but its such an obvious topic and obvious is always boring.I would rather make up my own stuff like the fact that someone pointed out my lack of finesse(whether that is the right spelling and the meaning put out thereof i cannot tell).It would appear not to make sense and indeed it is meant not to for reasons which are not entirely clear even to myself much less to so many of my secret readers.Yes they do exist if the curious silence is anything to go by and some even curiouser sentiments i get from those who know this secret identity of mine to the effect that i am an inspiration to those younger rebellious members of society who by chance happen to read my stuff.And especially some vintage stuff(2009)which i thought would amount to nothing and if it did,to nothing much or much worse to be grouped among those classic examples of how not to write.Back to reality tonight man utd redeems itself and take it from me that we will though youn would be ill adviced to take my word.Just take them as the wishes of an overambitious fan but which will come true nonetheless.Lastly i cannot believe that i have not watched pirates 4 yet smthng is definetly wrong.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Of perfect endings

That i've been mia the past couple of days is due to my blogger or is it just blogger,acting up.Smthn about unavailability of the site and also my internet access.I can do nothing about the former but i'm working on the latter.Anyway i discovered(more like reaffirmed for i sort of knew it)that smthn is wrong either with me or with the rest of the world.What I'm looking for isnt what she was looking for(talk of mixed signals what you see isnt what you get-get it).Was coz most likely she already has found it.Most likely it was a case of wanting to eat your cake your cake and to have it but i just wouldnt play ball(i really have to work on the signals im sending out).Enough of this but on to more of the same issues-the pupil test did prove true so i did pass(more on this 'project' in future posts).Finally we have won the cup and i'm here watchin it how sweet.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Friday the 13th

Yeah of course i heard to write about this even though there really is nothing to write about.Happier news i finally managed to get a new mentor or my first mentor depending on how you look at it.Trollope who is a long dead author btw is a genius(i guess i call many people that but now i really mean it).The guy can write and make you feel it.The simplicity is simply amazing,humour,his characters and all else just leave me wondering when or better still if i shall ever match his skill.Being a late bloomer of sorts i dont really blame myself on discovering this guy some 6 or so years late i only hope that im not too late.This dream as i now discover requires patience and hardwork(obviously!)and as yours truly is not exactly gifted in both the question still remains how success shall be achieved.shall and not if mark you haters.As you live out this umpteenth friday the 13th may all your thoughts come to fruition.To those with superstitous tendencies i will try not to speak sense into you.I myself do not have enough sense for two is so egocentric and is lastly all about fun and carefree.Still love me though for i do you no matter what and that's a promise.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Brag sport

It doesnt take a genius to figure out that something was wrong earlier on and yours truly was too lazy to right things.In all fairness i have to say that we're in different leagues and not coz i want it that way or i made it that way but just because we found it that way.Anyway enough of my bragging as i realize that i'm making some self made kings really uncomfortable,truth is there'll always be someone better than you unless of course you're like some of us.I will soon get back to my crazy,here and there,barely comprehensible self next time but i just had to vent(that is just but one of the ways i use the others are to say the least radical,pray that i never get to use them).also had to shout out to my on and off flame this being one of the reasons why i think it would be a bad idea but then again a very good idea,this is one that even my right leaning faculties really come to nothing in terms of a solution.Good thing i have four years to think it through and decide.a bit boring i know so i definetly know how normal feels,good night peeps.

The break

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Of lookalikes

The crazy lookalike world where the captain of a certain ailing english soccer team could almost be mistaken for a villain from one of my favourite shows of all time:heroes.i'd rather write about my triangular obsession another of those crazy lookalikes for them who either look like me or have a triangular obsession also like me(chances of both being true definetly zero,chances of either producing a positive outcome negligible too).There is also a third comparative area but to state it would be a waste of my time and yours,and a waste of my hard earned intelligence(not sure about this for you).Then the paradox of all lookalikes that we were all made in God's image which means we all look alike which means that the best of us is just as good as the worst of us(as to how best and worst are arrived at i too would really envy the intellect of him who gives us the answer to this).Not really sure what look means anymore though who cares.Not mad enough apologies accepted especially from those of the weaker sex who i'm sure had a really rough readthrough,don't worry as i said earlier we don't lookalike even in our most basic forms we definetly don't look alike.God bless us all after all he made us all.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The return of digenius

To use the words of a man i really admire i am g problem that aint ever gonna be solved.Deleted all that crap that was making me look bad,went under to study the so called seasoned bloggers,came up with lots of crap that really never helped anyone but themselves and then again that is according to their opinion for mine would go along the lines of having cost them a loss of a much better audience(figuratively applied),came up with some few jewels though which i shall apply in due time and ultimately made myself a better person(a better person in addition to an intelligent one how awesome).Comeback will be characterized by blatant rule breaking,out of the box thinking,madness,coolness,seemingly senseless stuff(some of it a bit queer)but never normal on course stuff you can read that from those other guys not me.A comment is just that and shall be treated as just that and if you're a fellow comrade in this trade thou shalt not hate(i am not entirely sure what that was meant to mean but it means smthn).Meet you in a few hours with my first doze of serial madness. stay safe won't you