Friday, April 29, 2011

Brag sport

It doesnt take a genius to figure out that something was wrong earlier on and yours truly was too lazy to right things.In all fairness i have to say that we're in different leagues and not coz i want it that way or i made it that way but just because we found it that way.Anyway enough of my bragging as i realize that i'm making some self made kings really uncomfortable,truth is there'll always be someone better than you unless of course you're like some of us.I will soon get back to my crazy,here and there,barely comprehensible self next time but i just had to vent(that is just but one of the ways i use the others are to say the least radical,pray that i never get to use them).also had to shout out to my on and off flame this being one of the reasons why i think it would be a bad idea but then again a very good idea,this is one that even my right leaning faculties really come to nothing in terms of a solution.Good thing i have four years to think it through and decide.a bit boring i know so i definetly know how normal feels,good night peeps.

The break

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Of lookalikes

The crazy lookalike world where the captain of a certain ailing english soccer team could almost be mistaken for a villain from one of my favourite shows of all time:heroes.i'd rather write about my triangular obsession another of those crazy lookalikes for them who either look like me or have a triangular obsession also like me(chances of both being true definetly zero,chances of either producing a positive outcome negligible too).There is also a third comparative area but to state it would be a waste of my time and yours,and a waste of my hard earned intelligence(not sure about this for you).Then the paradox of all lookalikes that we were all made in God's image which means we all look alike which means that the best of us is just as good as the worst of us(as to how best and worst are arrived at i too would really envy the intellect of him who gives us the answer to this).Not really sure what look means anymore though who cares.Not mad enough apologies accepted especially from those of the weaker sex who i'm sure had a really rough readthrough,don't worry as i said earlier we don't lookalike even in our most basic forms we definetly don't look alike.God bless us all after all he made us all.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The return of digenius

To use the words of a man i really admire i am g problem that aint ever gonna be solved.Deleted all that crap that was making me look bad,went under to study the so called seasoned bloggers,came up with lots of crap that really never helped anyone but themselves and then again that is according to their opinion for mine would go along the lines of having cost them a loss of a much better audience(figuratively applied),came up with some few jewels though which i shall apply in due time and ultimately made myself a better person(a better person in addition to an intelligent one how awesome).Comeback will be characterized by blatant rule breaking,out of the box thinking,madness,coolness,seemingly senseless stuff(some of it a bit queer)but never normal on course stuff you can read that from those other guys not me.A comment is just that and shall be treated as just that and if you're a fellow comrade in this trade thou shalt not hate(i am not entirely sure what that was meant to mean but it means smthn).Meet you in a few hours with my first doze of serial madness. stay safe won't you