Saturday, February 4, 2012

sundays and what have you

i should have written about sundays and how hot the sun can get some time ago,i did want to and at times even put down a few sentences down only to have my mind dart to other issues.Not that i regret it,i figure and im sure you do too that such a post wouldnt really make someone stop whatever they were doing for five minutes.And if she did she wouldnt leave laughing silently at the jokes only she and i understood or promise herself to come back every few hours because she finally has found someplace where she can call home.No that would most probably not be the case and to go further and claim that after a few weeks of what started out only as a simple accidental visit to an obscure blog but within a few days became an obsession,she would come looking for the mastermind of such dangerous writing, would be blowing my own trumpet never mind that even if i had one it wouldnt be big enough to warrant the trouble of blowing it in my own.
But Sundays can get hot especially when you have nothing to do and view going to church as something you cannot do.More than the temperatures(and they are bad enough on their own)one has to contend with a period from sunrise upto sunset or thereabouts in which there is absolutely nothing to do.Tv for some reason sees no reason in airing anything entertaining during these times and radio is even worse.Those like my beloved mother who usually go to church spend the whole day there and on very many occassions the night too.It is then that i realize that any conversation is good conversation and that people are way better companions than dogs,books or even the internet.On those days i do go to church(once i have convinced myself that God loves me as i am)i usually get a good feeling that lasts something like two days before going back to my old rollercoaster self.But as much as it may look like a shallow sort of person saying things that he shouldnt even be saying the truth is i would really love to go to church im just looking for a different sort of motivation much like the way i have to change my style from being too confining and interesting to including many more words(otherwise called being wordy)and boring.I mean you have to write a lot more for it to make any sense at all and you have to be more expressive ie dont just say the sky is blue talk of the sky and the day being sunny and calm and the people walking around dressed in bright clothes just like a commercial and the grass and the kids and the positive emotions you get from this. The fact that im even writing about this is proof that im willing to change even if it means going to church for one sunday a month usually when they arent collecting any special offerings and also on the hypothetical family sunday when the pastor takes as short as ten minutes reason being that on family sunday people have to spend time with family in their houses and there should be no other people strictly indoors with or without food but the pastor is allowed to stay with any family since he is our earthly father.Then i would be pastor-i would have to change a lot of me and add alot that is not me but anyone would agree that the rewards are more than just cheese.

diary of a campus kid

looking out my window i can see cars and girls which tells you that im either a campus kid or a person who enjoys their also tells you that im male something that isnt really well defined in our present society but just to go back a bit im both a campus kid and i love my views,infact i practically fought to get this room and the rewards (as iam now listening to some soothing house)are free eye candy and candy too but candy is too western we call them sweets here just thought i would say that before someone starts mistaking me for an american something that i wouldnt really be proud of much like i wouldnt be proud of listening to rap music or walking on the road wearing a suit or anything that potrays order and direction in life or walking with someone who does.I do have exams and they freak me out sometimes or at least they used to until i discovered that education isnt all about grades,there are so many other things you have to do in these four short years which cannot be written here because my snoop of a kid brother would ultimately tell mum of the evils her son has been engaged in.The thrashing and all other forms of pain wouldnt be as bad as the fact that all my twilight missions would be halted,i would be forced to stay at home on fridays watching movies or doing something like that or even more boring sitting through an hour or so of so called family talk where mother forces everyone to smile and the ease with which my younger brother enjoys it and the enthusiasm with which he announces to all of us with a shout that mama is calling us all down just makes it worse.So i would rather things stay as they are where every friday i have classes upto 8 oclock then i have group discussion upto midnight by which time it is too late to come home so i just spend the night in my room and go home in the morning.They havent known yet that i have only one morning class on friday which isnt as bad as all those other things they know nothing about.But today i have to read because lies can only go so far ,at the end of the day good grades have to show just to safeguard your lie if at least.But then again there are many ways of getting good grades and im not saying anything else

Friday, February 3, 2012

point of view

doing things intuitively has the advantage of one being able to cut to the chase pretty quick ,feeling a lot smarter than most and picking out the most easily manipulated people for friends.But there is always a nagging doubt for instance i have never looked up the meaning of the word paradox but i am pretty sure the meaning is something like the way music is both therapeutic and an addictive drug at the same time.but even then im not really sure,is that not an irony or is it not any of them.This despite, i have seen(at least in my case) the capability of it transforming you from a doodling kid(kinda like what i am now) to a sage and still remain relevant and easily noticed for not being a fake.In most other cases it fills out those blanks mere mortals concentrate on without your notice then popping out the ideas at its own appropriate time hence for the most part you will look less than the mere mortal only to come up with the most out of the box ideas which will either not be understood or hardly understood leaving you looking even more of a fool .The most scary part however or not for most i guess though it should be(just goes to show you how evil the system is)is the mind reading constant second guessing and building mountains out of molehills(just one of the advantages you get-a phrase you never even thought you remembered being used in context just because it 'feels' right )which means forming a totally theoretical theory about someone or something but mostly someone-we dont happen to hate things as much as we hate people and we generally arent that much worried about the 'things' we love.this usually from a small fragment of so called proof which in itself is a formation of our minds to justify our already formed theories.It could also be one of my all time favourites and something ive talked of already-starting small with no idea of the end but getting there and realizing there is no connection with the start but that it somehow fits,never changing the ends or beginings but always messing about with whatever is in between.Perfectionist tendencies also come in thoug im not entirely sure if this is intuitive,i may just be extrapolating someones character flaws.and speaking of character flaws there is laziness which isnt at all related(entirely debetable)to the not using of fullstops or commas and not following of all other grammatical rules,to the spending half or more waking hours in bed,to the working in brief bursts of motivation in between long periods of not doing anything 'tangible',the working backwards from the solution and finishing it in less than half the time allocated or not finishing it at all again because you did not 'feel' it.I know its a total waste of someones life but we love it.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Amid all the itchy bum smelly finger comments,taunts about how abnormally big someone's head is and all that it occured to me that going to the toilet at that time wouldnt be such a bad idea, hell if it would relieve me of an itchy bum which as we all know is caused by issues i would rather not discuss publicly but related to or not to going to the toilet(and what you do thereafter if you do)it would be the best of ideas.But if going to the toilet was a good idea then beating up bob was an even better one,it did not involve escaping,it would give me lasting respect and best of all i would get to watch bob in pain and believe me nothing could give me greater pleasure. In my head it was all easy ,just walk up to him taunt him a bit make him livid and make him come after you,then my skill(gained from countless hours of research not really for the knowledge)would at last be put to test,a couple of hard blows to the right places, evasive manouvers such that i couldnt get hurt and a bit of willpower to finish it off.I would be king i almost shouted out and then thoughts of the wonderful life i would have after came in torrents-the chicken wings each one of us was required to give bob on selected days of the week would be all mine,i would not have to go to school just as bob didn't,i would go live in that old house at the end of the street where it was said that bob lived but none had ever seen him go in or out(in fact he never even talked about it)and if it meant running away from home then let it be i mean had'nt bob done the same?isn't that why he lived in that old house all by himself with all the freedom and chicken wings he could ever want and a stereo system with sick bass(all speculation nothing confirmed)It was a while later that i awoke so to speak from my dream to find all eyes on me.Later on in hospital all bandaged up and almost dying i then thought how stupid of me it was to voice out my thoughts in such company and how incredibly strong bob was and that all the skill in the world would never help me against a beast like him.I also knew that i would never be part of the fold again,it was an abomination to blaspheme bob(a word which i do not know the meaning to but what i did falls under it i was told) Some time later bob actually did die and most fingers pointed at me(all speculation no proof)but it was sort of a good thing as i realized that most of us hated bob some more than me in fact and one so much that he had actually killed him.We never did find out who it was but since everyone was happy and no one seemed really intent on avenging bob's murder i was happy to let the accusing finger point at me.It turns out that most of these stories do have a happy ending and mine definetly does.Bob's death had so instilled fear in all of us and the guy thought responsible for it was the object of that fear.You can guess what happened next but i'll still say it-i got the house despite some saying that the spirit of bob still lived there,i got a double portion of chicken wings,i quit school and inspired many others too and lastly i got that beautiful girl i had been eyeing and who would never have given me a second glance before.Twenty years later and nothing has changed i only got older and got another woman younger and more beautiful.


DAVE- much as it does not hurt me to admit that i am an underachieving young man who also has the most difficult time sticking to societal conventions i have to admit that when such affects family it is time to draw the line .2012 will not just be business it will be business with pleasure ,only more pain in it and more pleasure at the end of it and on top of that i have to find a couple of new hobbies reduce time spent on the internet ,write more(a lot lot more)eat out a bit more(just a bit),try to conform to "rules and regulations" at least for the sake of my beloved mum try to form and maintain a steady relationship for once stop speaking in circles and try to listen some more to that awesome music ED introduced me to last year,trance and house i think, i like house more but trance isnt that awful infact it is a lot better than techno,im surprised someone would even call that music ED- I have to say that calculus isnt as hard as i thought only a lot more boring and unapplicable but on to more important issues,have you heard of arty, the guy(or is it kid )is AWESOME!!!!!! Old cats such deadmau5 better take care(but in all seriousness who could beat deadmau5 it would definetly be a joke)Dad's medicines cost a lot more now than they did last year but sticking to resolutions is one of the things i do and besides he is getting better.Those misguided thoughts i had last year about quiting school,going somewhere to become a dj do movies write tv scripts and a whole lot of other nonsense are all faded now thanks to a thorough and deserved dressing down by my great aunt who usually has a final say in all matters-an accepted norm in our family.Guess that means i have to sell off all those cameras and guitars i bought last year.Feels a bit sad but i still have dave who hopefully will stop being such an airhead and Egan who just like his name is in touch with himself in a foreign manner.he's nothing like anything we've ever seen before that's why we have him as a friend. EGAN- i am sure at last that i am not gay(if gay doesn't include cute babyish looking boys with innocent eyes and sincere smiles and friendly all the way).I am also pretty sure that my writing will pick up pace having been neglected so much in 2011 and i will stop looking to Dave for inspiration his disregard for rules and general dont care attitude are influences i definetly do not need now ,infact he should be looking up to me and he will once he sees how much i'll do this year.that writing job at the chronicle the novel and my own 1000 visits per day blog will all be up and running and thats a promise.Before i forget i've been trying my hand at poetry ,i'm definetly not there but well on the way I NEED THE WATER Cracked lips Sweaty armpits Sun burned forehaed And a pair of dusty feet Sweaty palms Clutching a brown envelope Half open eyes And a long way ahead The place A dry fountain A drying hedge Dusty floors And a brown black coat on his body Cracked lips Sweaty armpits Sun burned forehead And a pair of dusty feet, And a sweaty palm open and demanding No thank you ! But no thank you I can't stand your sweaty palms I just need the water And it seems like you do too.