Friday, February 3, 2012

point of view

doing things intuitively has the advantage of one being able to cut to the chase pretty quick ,feeling a lot smarter than most and picking out the most easily manipulated people for friends.But there is always a nagging doubt for instance i have never looked up the meaning of the word paradox but i am pretty sure the meaning is something like the way music is both therapeutic and an addictive drug at the same time.but even then im not really sure,is that not an irony or is it not any of them.This despite, i have seen(at least in my case) the capability of it transforming you from a doodling kid(kinda like what i am now) to a sage and still remain relevant and easily noticed for not being a fake.In most other cases it fills out those blanks mere mortals concentrate on without your notice then popping out the ideas at its own appropriate time hence for the most part you will look less than the mere mortal only to come up with the most out of the box ideas which will either not be understood or hardly understood leaving you looking even more of a fool .The most scary part however or not for most i guess though it should be(just goes to show you how evil the system is)is the mind reading constant second guessing and building mountains out of molehills(just one of the advantages you get-a phrase you never even thought you remembered being used in context just because it 'feels' right )which means forming a totally theoretical theory about someone or something but mostly someone-we dont happen to hate things as much as we hate people and we generally arent that much worried about the 'things' we love.this usually from a small fragment of so called proof which in itself is a formation of our minds to justify our already formed theories.It could also be one of my all time favourites and something ive talked of already-starting small with no idea of the end but getting there and realizing there is no connection with the start but that it somehow fits,never changing the ends or beginings but always messing about with whatever is in between.Perfectionist tendencies also come in thoug im not entirely sure if this is intuitive,i may just be extrapolating someones character flaws.and speaking of character flaws there is laziness which isnt at all related(entirely debetable)to the not using of fullstops or commas and not following of all other grammatical rules,to the spending half or more waking hours in bed,to the working in brief bursts of motivation in between long periods of not doing anything 'tangible',the working backwards from the solution and finishing it in less than half the time allocated or not finishing it at all again because you did not 'feel' it.I know its a total waste of someones life but we love it.

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